
Welcome to COPSOQ!

FFAW attends the conference ‘Health - thinking, researching and acting together’: Dialogue and inspiration

The annual congress of the professional societies DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS and DGPH took place from 11 to 13 September 2024 under the motto ‘Health - thinking, researching and acting together’.
The focus here was on interdisciplinary exchange - in view of the many content-related interfaces between the participating specialist societies.
As part of the conference, the FFAW presented contributions on the topic of ‘Mental stress and strain in the context of scientific work’. Based on COPSOQ surveys at 20 non-university institutions and eight colleges/universities since 2019, the general stresses that characterise academic work and whether working at colleges/universities differs from working at non-university research institutions were investigated. In addition, specific stress and strain profiles of academics with fixed-term employment contracts were addressed and the assessment of doctoral candidates was analysed in more detail.

You will find three articles in the abstract volume (in German):
Part 1: Psychische Belastungen und Beanspruchungen im Kontext wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens: Datenbasis und externer Vergleich (Lincke et al. 2024): doi: 10.3205/24gmds714
Part 2: Psychische Belastungen...Untersuchung der Unterschiede an Hochschulen und außeruniversitärer Forschungseinrichtungen (Quernes et al. 2024): doi: 10.3205/24gmds460
Part 3: Psychische Belastungen...Befristete Arbeitsverhältnisse und Promovierende im Fokus (Häberle et al. 2024): doi: 10.3205/24gmds715

It was an inspiring time at the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden!

We would be happy to conduct a COPSOQ survey at your company and look forward to hearing from you.

The COPSOQ instrument is presented below. The questionnaire can be completed here as a trial:

Try the online survey     Download paper version


What is COPSOQ?

The questionnaire on mental stress at work

The COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire) is a cross-sector and cross-occupational questionnaire. It is based on the scientific model of a cause-effect relationship between psychological working conditions (stressors) and reactions of working people (consequences of stress or strains).


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How does the survey work?

The survey in cooperation with FFAW

We, the Freiburg Research Center for Occupational Sciences (FFAW), offer to conduct the survey with the COPSOQ in seven steps with a clear distribution of roles.


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Who are we?

The survey in cooperation with FFAW

Our team consists of social and health scientists. Our claim is the professional application of empirical research methods in the realization of our projects. We cooperate with national and international institutions.


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Just try it out: the paper version of COPSOQ

We offer both online and paper versions of the survey. The online and the paper version provides a comparison of your personal values with the representative average values for all employees in Germany.

A note for ongoing surveys in companies: COPSOQ surveys in companies have their own websites. If you want to participate in a survey in your company, please enter the link provided to you in the address line of your browser!

Try the online survey     Download paper version