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New publication: The home office module in the risk assessment of mental stress with the COPSOQ - genesis and results

Lincke, Hans-Joachim, Kleine-Albers, Alexandra, Quernes, Marius, Nolle, Inga, Häberle, Nicola, Vomstein, Martin & Nübling, Matthias (2024). Das Homeoffice-Modul in der Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastung mit dem COPSOQ – Genese und Ergebnisse. ASU Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin, 59(03), 180–188. https://doi.org/10.17147/asu-1-342896

During the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home was introduced as a health protection measure to reduce virus transmission by reducing contact. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) can be expanded to include questions on working from home (until 2022 ‘COVID-19 module’, then ‘home office module’) in order to comprehensively assess this form of work. The analysis of around 34,000 respondents shows that the equipment in the home office, the exchange with colleagues and overall satisfaction tend to be rated positively. The assessments of employees working from home differed in some areas from those of the other respondents (influence: +8.0 points; delimitation: +12.7 points). The comparison of the current and desired extent of working from home points in the direction of a moderate expansion (Fig. 1). In addition to the COPSOQ, the module offers the opportunity to consider the questions on working from home as an essential form of work in the risk assessment and to set them in relation to other stresses and strains.

You can find more information here in the article (article in german) or contact us for a COPSOQ survey with the additional home office module!

Fig.1: Current and desired scope of home office

The COPSOQ instrument is presented below. The questionnaire can be completed here as a trial:

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What is COPSOQ?

The questionnaire on mental stress at work

The COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire) is a cross-sector and cross-occupational questionnaire. It is based on the scientific model of a cause-effect relationship between psychological working conditions (stressors) and reactions of working people (consequences of stress or strains).


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How does the survey work?

The survey in cooperation with FFAW

We, the Freiburg Research Center for Occupational Sciences (FFAW), offer to conduct the survey with the COPSOQ in seven steps with a clear distribution of roles.


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Who are we?

The survey in cooperation with FFAW

Our team consists of social and health scientists. Our claim is the professional application of empirical research methods in the realization of our projects. We cooperate with national and international institutions.


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Just try it out: the paper version of COPSOQ

We offer both online and paper versions of the survey. The online and the paper version provides a comparison of your personal values with the representative average values for all employees in Germany.

A note for ongoing surveys in companies: COPSOQ surveys in companies have their own websites. If you want to participate in a survey in your company, please enter the link provided to you in the address line of your browser!

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