Price calculator
Our price is based on the size of the company.
How many people should be surveyed?
Number of people | up to 50 | 51-99 | 100 | 101-199 | 200 | 201-499 | 500 | 501-999 | 1000 | ab 1001 |
Price net | 1.200 € | Price for 50 plus 24,20 € per additional person | 2.410 € | Price for 100 plus 12,10 € per additional person | 3.620 € | Price for 200 plus 8,50 € per additional person | 6.170 € | Price for 500 plus 7,30 € per additional person | 9.820 € | Price for 1000 plus 3,70 € per additional person |
For the paper version, the price increases by €3 per person for printing the sheets, return envelopes, free return and data collection. Online and paper versions of the questionnaire can of course be combined, e.g. to reach different groups.
Supplementary services are on-site appointments (e.g. for presentation of the offer, motivation at kick-off, discussion of results) or video conferences, provision of the questionnaire in other languages, alternative forms of result preparation (e.g. separate reports for individual units or groups, heat maps for overview presentation with red/yellow/green coloring) and the application of complex analysis methods. We will be happy to inform you about prices for these services on request.